Question the motives, analyze its origin, and collaborate with thinkers that believe differently to test if you hold a logical and valid conclusion.
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Question the motives, analyze its origin, and collaborate with thinkers that believe differently to test if you hold a logical and valid conclusion.
If you want to use pre-tax dollars to pay for dependent care expenses, maybe a Flexible Spending Account, or FSA, is the way to go.
Health insurance premiums vary from state-to-state, provider-to-provider, and person-to-person. Some plans are cost efficient and cover a wide range of services while others are expensive with limited coverage. Not only that, but changes to healthcare plans can be unpredictable, especially as you age. One option to consider is a Health Savings Account, or HSA.
When you contemplate death, many things that seemed important two hours ago begin to drift away and you have this moment of clarity about what really matters. It provides a high-level perspective on life and your focus narrows on those you love.
Help yourself out this year by knowing the recent change to the tax code as we approach the end of the year. The deduction will be very beneficial if you pay attention to itemized deductions and make sure taxable income hits below the necessary threshold.