529 plans have traditionally been about the future. While using them in the present is now possible, it limits the plan's inherent tax benefits and you may be unwinding what you prepared for college. With college tuition rising on an annual basis, we cannot afford to let the use of a 529 plan in the present replace what it was initially designed to do.
On December 20th, congress passed The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It is an extensive bill with many parts, the effects of which are still being measured. But for those of you preparing 2017 taxes and looking ahead to 2018, we want to offer some insight into what the bill means for high-income earners.
Your income is your single-biggest asset. It is critical that you protect it in the event that illness prevents you from working. A smart risk-management attitude is "It might happen to me." DI insurance is a great strategy for protecting your income in the event that you become too ill or disabled to perform the daily functions your job requires.
83% of physicians under age 40 claim that they have unique or more complicated financial needs than other professions. I believe this to be true as well, but you have to find the time to address the unique or more complicated financial needs – otherwise you’ll resort to a “get rich quick” scheme in later years because it will be too late to fix.
For us, the holidays are another opportunity to step outside of our Self and turn our focus toward others. It's something we strive to practice year-round, but the holiday season brings out unique opportunities to consider how we might show love to others.