Operating from a position of fear is useful when being chased by a bear, but when it comes to your money it is unproductive at best, detrimental at worst. When you force yourself to face what you fear, you may well discover an inner strength you didn’t know existed.
Help yourself out this year by knowing the recent change to the tax code as we approach the end of the year. The deduction will be very beneficial if you pay attention to itemized deductions and make sure taxable income hits below the necessary threshold.
More than just your money is connected to your career. And the sudden loss of income will take a toll on far more than your bank statements or investment portfolio. By protecting your income, you also guard your home, your relationships, and your mental and spiritual well-being.
More cash in hand might sound good in the short term, but consider the sacrifice you'll be making over the long-term. Remember, residency and fellowships are only a brief part of your medical career. If you decide now to play the long game when it comes to paying back student loans, you'd be wise to start making those payments now.
A sure way to know your vocation is to ask: "What problem do I want to help solve in the world?" What matters to you deep down in your bones? What crisis have you seen that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot un-see? What makes you lose sleep at night knowing it persists in the world?