Should I Consider Debt Repayment or Investing Home Equity Through A Cash Out Refinance

Should I Consider Debt Repayment or Investing Home Equity Through A Cash Out Refinance

Currently, mortgage rates are at an all-time low, and real estate market values are up. Because of this, it’s a good environment to do a cash-out refinance. In a cash-out refinance, you refinance your existing mortgage for a larger amount than the original mortgage, converting your home equity into cash. You can then use that cash to pay off student loans, credit cards, or car loans.

Behavioral Finance: Are We Ruled by Emotion?

Behavioral Finance: Are We Ruled by Emotion?

If asked, most people would probably say they are rational individuals who make wise decisions. Indeed, logical thinking and prudent behavior are the norm for the majority of people in most instances. Unfortunately, when it comes to money management, people who are otherwise rational often tend to act irrationally

The Effects of COVID-19 On the Economy - Zooming In and Out

The Effects of COVID-19 On the Economy - Zooming In and Out

Markets - Ignorance Is Bliss

The economy is not providing sensational data to say the least, but the market is boasting a helpful rebound from its' recent lows. As we wade through the plethora of information related to the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, one thing is clear: the market is ignoring the current reality in hopes of a better, not so distant, future.

2020 Goals

2020 Goals

Give something your attention and it blossoms. With 2020 right around the corner, what will you give your attention to this year?

Black Friday Shopping Guide

Black Friday Shopping Guide

Thankfulness and gratitude are dispositions to carry with us year-round, especially through the holiday season.