Your finances can actually be something that brings you and your spouse or partner closer together if you’re willing to be intentional about it. And success has nothing to do with the amount of money you have.
Your finances can actually be something that brings you and your spouse or partner closer together if you’re willing to be intentional about it. And success has nothing to do with the amount of money you have.
Many lottery winners certainly do end up worse off financially than before they bought their ticket, and that’s perplexing to those of us without hundreds of millions of dollars. How can someone possibly lose that amount of cash, and usually in five years or less?
When you contemplate death, many things that seemed important two hours ago begin to drift away and you have this moment of clarity about what really matters. It provides a high-level perspective on life and your focus narrows on those you love.
If you have a will or trust, you determine before your death to whom your assets will be distributed, and in what proportions. This gives the owner the power to determine who receives their assets, and in what amount. But what happens when you don’t have a will or trust when you die?
Fundamental Weighted Indexing aims to produce the best returns by identifying the most sustainable businesses. It's easy to get swept up into the hype of high market cap stocks the same way it's easy to get swept up into the hype of a Major League home run hitter. But if sustainability is part of the goal, a more creative approach to measuring success and failure is needed. That's what this revolutionary form of indexing is all about.